Read the FAQ about dependency errors and tips for troubleshooting dependency issues.
If your problem is not listed, search the forum or if you can't find an answer ask your question. Sometimes there are problems installing Wine. The WineHQ Wiki explains the differences between the branches. Sudo apt install -install-recommends winehq-staging Sudo apt install -install-recommends winehq-devel Sudo apt install -install-recommends winehq-stable Select your Ubuntu version and download the WineHQ sources file:
Sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key If your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already): I you need the ARM version, you can use the Ubuntu packages. The WineHQ repository only offers packages for AMD64 and i386. Should a newer version of Wine give problems, it is also possible to install an older version of your choice. To make installing the latest version of Wine as easy as possible, WineHQ has its own Ubuntu repository. Translations of this page: 简体中文 NederlandsĪlthough Ubuntu offers its own Wine packages, these are often several versions behind.